700 N. Broad St Unit 2B & Unit 2C, Elizabeth, NJ 07208 – (908) 585-4990


Possible Side Effects of Wisdom Teeth Extraction


Removing your wisdom teeth has become something of a rite of passage for teenagers and young adults. There are some complexities, however, that can make a wisdom tooth extraction more difficult than it needs to be. Should you be concerned about the possible side effects of wisdom teeth extraction, you may be reluctant to pursue this procedure until the last minute. 

Our dental surgeons want you to go into your treatment as confidently as possible. That’s why our team discusses the possible side effects of the treatment as well as ways to mitigate them long before your surgery comes. With that in mind, let’s break down what you should expect from your wisdom teeth extraction

Common Symptoms of Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Some of the most common side effects of wisdom teeth extraction to experience, all of which are very normal, include the following:

Pain and Swelling

It is almost impossible to avoid a little bit of pain and swelling in the wake of your wisdom teeth removal. Because this procedure requires medical professionals to impact the arrangement of teeth in your mouth, it may be difficult for you to eat solid foods. You may also experience swelling along your cheeks and jaw.

Fortunately, over-the-counter pain medication is one of the best means through which you can address the symptoms. Your oral surgeon may even recommend specialized medication, depending on your history of post-surgery recovery and the degree to which your wisdom teeth may have been impacted. 

Trouble Opening Your Mouth

The aforementioned pain and swelling may make it difficult for you to open your mouth all the way in the wake of your wisdom teeth removal. This limited mouth movement is also referred to as trismus. It is in your best interest to treat limited mouth mobility with regular stretches that never push your flexibility to the point of pain.

If you find yourself bleeding or in excessive pain after limited mouth exercises, stop doing them immediately. You can meet with a medical professional to discuss your circumstances if that limited mobility persists. 

Dry Socket

When medical professionals remove your wisdom teeth, they leave behind sockets that close over time. Most medical professionals recommend you gargle salt water and prevent unseemly bacteria from entering your mouth in order to prevent these sockets from garnering an infection.

Should your sockets become infected or clogged with debris from your surgery in the wake of your recovery, you may suffer from something known as dry socket. Dry socket causes jaw pain that can often stretch from the ear down to your chin. Dry socket may even impact your ability to taste.

If you are contending with the symptoms of dry socket, let your dentist know. Dentists can recommend home remedies and medication to better relieve the symptoms. 

Reacting to Wisdom Teeth Removal Symptoms

If you find that any of the above symptoms last for more than a week, you should schedule a consultation with an oral surgeon. The good news is that oral surgeons can discuss the nature of your recovery and ensure you have the resources to appropriately address any long-lasting symptoms. If the need arises to pursue additional treatments, such as nerve repositioning, we can discuss the nature of those procedures. 

Contact an Oral Surgeon About Your Side Effects of Wisdom Tooth Surgery

The possible side effects of a wisdom tooth extraction range from infection to long-term disruptions in oral health. If you have concerns about the nature of your upcoming treatment, you can collaborate with our professionals to discuss what steps you can take to preserve your oral health.

Elizabeth Oral Surgery Group wants to give you all the information you need to go into a wisdom tooth extraction with a clear head. With that in mind, you can ask us questions about your treatment by calling (908) 585-4990 or reaching out to us online